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About Cleaner Space

Our Values

Focus on the customer 

Be a trusted partner

Maintain the highest standards 


No job too big; no job too small, no floor too long, no cobweb too tall.


We cover Bristol, Bath, Chepstow, Newport and surrounding areas.

We work based on an hourly rate or price for the job depending on your needs or project.


20 years of experience providing exceptional customer service and value for our clients. We make every effort to use environmentally sustainable equipment and products, including microfibre cloths. The cleaning industry paper towel use still keeps us awake, so for each new client, we donate a tree. It's a small start. Pets/aquatic/allergies/children, or just don't like the smell of bleach? There is no part of your world that we can't adjust appropriately for. 


We care about the big picture; we care about how our operations and business model impact our workers, community, environment, and customers. From our supply chain and input materials to our charitable giving and employee benefits, that's why we are looking to certify as B Corp and prove our business is meeting the highest standards of verified performance.


We are hiring! If you're looking for work and want to be part of a better kind of business, please get in touch via the Contact page. 



Our Process

What can you expect when you are looking for a cleaning service and contact Cleaner Space?

Clean Space

1 - A telephone call

We talk to you first about where you are and what you're looking for. 

If we can help, we'll arrange to come and meet you and your space.


2 - A professional assessment of your cleaning requirements

Here's where we meet you and take a walk through to understand in detail your needs. We will advise how long and how regularly we would need to clean in order to maintain the space to your standard.

3 - Cleaning starts

Here's where your life gets easier, smells fresher and looks clean enough to eat off.

Cleaning the Hallways

4 - Review

We constantly review the standard being achieved by our staff. We will proactively seek your feedback as the customer, and we will also seek feedback from our staff to make sure we never miss an opportunity to improve. 

Our Quality Guarantee

Our staff are exceptional, but they are human and we all miss things from time to time. If for any reason your clean doesn't meet your expectations, please call us to discuss where things have fallen down. We will look to re-do the clean within 24 hours or at your earliest convenience if we don't have keys/unlimited access. 

Lets create your dream clean space.
Tell us about what you want today.

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